Five on Friday

All day today I have thought it was saturday so to get my mind on track I thought I would link up with some lovely ladies for five on FRIDAY.

one: This week has been very busy at work due to lots of training and an up coming meeting I have been preparing for. I finally sat down last night and got everything organized and got all my training scheduled for next week! I finally feel like I’m ahead of the game!

two: Emmerson has been cutting her top two teeth for at least a week now and they are finally breaking through the skin! It’s nice to see that the whining and lack of sleep were for something.

three: On tuesday night my amazing bff came over to our house to keep Emmerson so Nick and I could have a date night. It was so awesome. We were able to have a nice peaceful dinner and talk about things other than the baby. (new post coming soon about marriage after a baby)

four: I did not work out one time this week! Normally I would let that really upset me and get me down, but not this time. This week was a very minor set back and I will just have to work harder next week.

five: Tomorrow we have a birthday party for my cousin at the children’s museum and I am so excited about taking Emmerson. She has become such a busy body lately and because of the cold we have been at home going stir crazy. We are all looking forward to getting some energy out.

I hope everyone has an amazing week!!


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