What we did

This past weekend was really nice. Besides having a busy day on sunday we really relaxed and had a good time.

On friday I met my family for lunch like we usually do and I ordered Emmerson a kids meal for the first time.


She ate almost all the turkey that was on the sandwich and some fruit too. We’re really trying to experiment with textures and flavors and so far she seems to like everything we’ve given her.

Friday afternoon I met up with Nick and we ran errands all over town. Then I saw on instagram that there was a food truck near our house.



Camel City Grill! Their food is delicious! Nick got the chili with the pimento cheese added to it and it was so good. I didn’t have anything because I was still full from lunch, but I plan to get the food truck’s schedule so we can try some other things they offer.

Saturday we had a birthday party to go to for my cousin Joseph who was turning 4. My aunt had his party at the Children’s museum here in Winston.


Emmerson was too small for some activities, but she had a great time.


This little area was the baby pond and it was perfect for Emmerson’s size. The whole thing was padded so she could crawl around without any problems. There were also buttons on the wall that she could push that would make a hammering sound or a drill sound.


Towards the end we found this library room and she enjoyed pulling every book down onto the floor. There was a huge area for her to crawl around and some soft mats to climb on.


We can’t wait to go back when she gets a little older!

Sunday was spent in a meeting at 9, then nursery at church at 1030, then a meeting at work from 1-5. It was a tiring day, but we ended it at my parents house enjoying some waffles that my dad cooked up.

I hope that y’all have had a fabulous week so far and that you are loving the snow as much as we are!


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